Rolla Anderson Achievement Award
The USTA/Midwest Tennis & Education Foundation (USTA/MTEF), charitable arm of the USTA/Midwest Section, has announced the establishment of the Rolla Anderson Achievement Award. The award is being started in partnership with Rolla's family and many of his friends. Rolla was a USTA/Midwest Section Past President and long-time volunteer with more than 45 years of service. Rolla served as the Tournament Director of the USTA Boys' 16 and 18 National Championships for 37 years (1957-1993) in Kalamazoo. Throughout his career, Rolla was honored with many awards including the USTA National Merit Award in 1975, the USTA Family of the Year Award in 1993, and the ATHF Samuel Hardy Award in 1995.
The inaugural award will be presented at the conclusion of the USTA/Midwest Section Boys' 18 District Team Cup event in June 2019 to a high school graduating senior player recognizing his tennis accomplishments on the court as well as leadership skills and education/excellence off the court. A $1,000 monetary award will be sent to the player's college/university to help offset his tuition/room/board/other expenses.
Individuals interested in donating to this achievement award are welcome and may contribute on line at