We are excited to annouce that our 2016 Charity Gala held on February 5 in Chicago was a success. We would like to thank everyone who played a role in this success by bidding on auction items, donating during our paddle raise, taking out a program ad, and sponsoring a portion of the evening. We raised approximately $50,000 through these fundraising opportunities.

In addition to the Charity Gala, the USTA/Midwest Section recognized three award winners: Fred Rice-Stan Malless recipient; Sue and Kent Harris-Family of the Year recipient; and Sylvia Gothard-Mel Bergman recipient. The USTA/Midwest Section Hall of Fame Induction enshrined five individuals: the late Arthur Nielsen Sr., Phil Landauer, Jerry Morse-Karzen, Neal Newman and Anne White. We will post pictures from the awards and Hall of Fame ceremony as soon as they are available.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed towards the Generations of Giving campaign, and those who were able to attend the reception with Mary Seelig. We have raised $12,000 thus far during the campaign, and the campaign will remain open until the end of February. Please click here for more information as well as ability to make a donation.